Lakota Lands & Identities for Rapid City Area Schools: Day 4
Thursday, June 17, 2021
Mato Tipila was the primary site we visited today, Anpetu Topa, Day Four, Thursday, of our Lakota Lands & Identities “classroom on wheels.” It is another of the sacred sites that Amos Bad Heart Bull included on is important drawing of the Black Hills. In English, Mato Tipila translates as Bear's Lodge, but the name of the striking landmark was changed to Devils Tower when the first U.S. national monument—Devils Tower National Monument—was established in 1906. One of our small discussion groups is meeting in the shade of a tree near the base of Mato Tipila in the photo above. Click here to read about Day 3; here to read about Day 2; and here to read about Day 1.