This Stretch of the River Now Available

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

We are thrilled to announce that the new second edition of This Stretch of the River is now available on the CAIRNS website. The book was initially published in 2006. From its back cover: “This Stretch of the River, produced by the Oak Lake Writers’ Society, includes a variety of genres, including poetry, memoir, and historical and critical essays. The writers are all Lakotan, Nakotan, and Dakotan, and their writings 'speak back' to the bicentennial of the Lewis & Clark Corps of Discovery Expedition. […] What unites the collection is that each contribution troubles the common and simplistic interpretation of Lewis and Clark: that the two were heroic men who embarked with a multicultural crew on a virtuous journey at the behest of an idealistic young nation. For the Oak Lake writers, the Missouri, or the Mnisose in the Lakotan language, is at the center of the story. The Corps of Discovery rode in on the Mnisose—a powerful, living entity—with often unexamined consequences for the Native peoples, places, plants and animals. And the ripples left in the wake of the Corps’ keelboat and canoes can still be felt today.” The cover art was commissioned by CAIRNS and painted by Lorri Ann Two Bulls.