. . . and innovative projects . . .

The idea of our traveling seminars grows from the premise that peoples, histories and environments are inextricably linked in a complex symbiotic relationship that can be studied intellectually and experientially. The geographic focus of these seminars is the traditional homelands of the Ocheti Shakowin Confederacy, often referred to as the Seven Council Fires. The confederacy, more commonly and incrorrectly referred to as "Sioux," is comprised of seven oyates, or nations, that are organized into three divisions: Dakota, Nakota and Lakota. The Confederacy's traditional homelands encompass lands in what are now the states of Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, and South Dakota in the United States, and provinces of Saskatchewan, in Canada.

The overarching intention of these seminars is to encourage critical thinking about the intersections of Ocheti Shakowin Confederacy histories, cultures and lands on the one hand, and non-Confederacy perspectives of important places and events in the Confederacy's homelands on the other. In so doing, we are striving for a more nuanced awareness of the broader historical and contemporary relationships between American Indians and non-Indians.

The Workshops on Wheels pedagogy is inquiry-based. Lectures are minimized and active participation is required. Assigned questions related to readings and site visits are responded to individually with writings and drawings. Often, small groups discuss the responses and formulate composite responses that are shared with the other groups. In such cases, the entire seminar then discusses the original questions. Field activities conducted “en route” likewise are shared and critiqued. The success of our seminars rely in part on participants sharing ideas and thoughts throughout our En Route experience.

These are not tours. Participants are not tourists. These are college-level courses and are conducted accordingly.

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